Coming soon: 2015 Master Classes!
To promote dancing and dance education to the UW community, DSA is now hosting Master Classes! Once a quarter, we will find new and unique dance instructors to come and teach in one of the Meany studios. Classes are open to all University of Washington students. Dancers or not, everyone is welcome. Posters will be on the DSA boards, events will be on Facebook, and the officers will announce upcoming Master Classes in the UW dance classes. Suggested donation of $5 to attend the Master Classes will go toward DSA scholarships. Master class instructor positions are open to students and community members interested in sharing their technique, aesthetic, or knowledge of a dance style. Those interested in teaching a Master Class can email us with their credentials and details on the class.

Being in the moment requires being in your environment. We observe and interact with simultaneous and often contentious layers of information at every juncture. This workshop will expose participants to ensemble thinking, tuning scores, instant composition and notions of directing dance. With groupishness practice, focus, intention, and clarity come to the fore. We will unpack agenda and unpack unpacking. We will also have fun!
Storme Sundberg is a dance and theater artist who lived in New York City for all of her adult life before relocating to Seattle. An M.F.A. candidate at the University of Washington, she is a member of the Chamber Dance Company with whom she has most recently dancedin the works of Twyla Tharp and Doug Varone. She creates devised theater with Jeffrey Fracé-up next Storme and Durang. In New York City, Storme’s work was shown at the Joyce Soho, Judson Church, Roulette,The Flea, and Galapagos Art Space. Her influences include Ruth Zaporah, Julian Hamilton, Kristie Simpson, KJ Holmes, Jordan Fuchs, and Keith Hennessy.